Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Pondering and Biting My Nails

Am I really doing this?  This seems like a terrible way to start winter!  I can't even use up the modest amount of organic vegetables that we impulse purchased last Saturday at a farmer's market we weren't supposed to be at!  I'm pretty sure that they only allowed us IN TO the farmer's market b/c we looked like newbies.  We didn't even bring our own shopping bags with us and both felt terrible as we walked out clutching not one but two plastic bags.  Can they make those white, plastic bags any more conspicuous?  Note to self: start a company that makes plastic shopping bags that look like reusable ones.  Wait, that defeats the purpose of my newfound purpose.  Note to self: cancel previous note to self....it's immoral or unethical or genius or all three.  If you are an entrepreneur reading this, you can take the idea but I hope you wake up in the middle of the night with bad dreams about what you are doing to humanity and animality.  Note to self: load a dictionary before writing the next post.

So, this was the kickoff of my attempt to go green.  I realize that I haven't provided you with any useful information but just wait, I'm just getting started!

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